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Adams 14 Leadership, State Representatives and Stakeholders Meet to Discuss Innovative Playworks Program

On Tuesday morning, some of our Adams 14 leaders and state representatives gathered at Kemp Elementary School to learn more about the district’s partnership with Playworks. 

Playworks is a nonprofit that supports learning and physical health by providing safe and inclusive play to students nationwide. Their staff works with schools like Kemp to design curriculum and activities that offer play opportunities during recess, lunch, and after-school programs. Through these activities, our students develop life skills such as teamwork, communication, leadership, conflict resolution, and social-emotional skills. 

During the meeting, three of our student coaches read why they enjoyed leading their grades through different activities during recess.

“I love Playworks,” said one of our 4th graders. “I enjoy being a junior coach because we get to do fun stuff, such as playing with younger kids and being creative with games. I like to help others during recess to help them play safe and make friends.” 

We want to thank Playworks CEO Elizabeth Cushing, Colorado Senator Dafna Michaelsen-Jenet, and all state representatives and stakeholders who came to learn more about this program and even played with us!