Title IX
At Adams 14, we are committed to providing a learning and working environment that fosters respect and dignity for all. The district has a zero-tolerance policy for discrimination or harassment of any form, including sexual misconduct.
The district strives to respond promptly when an employee, student, or community member reports an incident of discrimination or sexual misconduct.
Upon receiving an incident report, our compliance officers will contact the person who experienced the sexual misconduct or discrimination (the Claimant) to provide information about reporting options, designated confidential resources, and the school district's grievance process.
If you are a student, parent, community member, or employee who needs to raise a concern for harassment or discrimination, please first contact the school or department where the conduct took place so we can address your concern at the site level immediately. Otherwise, you can report an incident to one of our compliance officers through email, by phone, or in person at the Educational Support Services building.
Compliance Officers
Dr. Nathan Boughton
Chief Human Resource Officer
Email: nboughton@adams14.org
Phone: 303-853-3236